Best Extension Cord for Coffee Maker (13 Thrilling Facts)

While many people believe that using an extension cord for a coffee maker is perfectly safe, there are some risks involved. 

In this blog post, we break down the benefits of using an extension cord on how it can improve your coffee-making experience. 

Can I use an extension cord for a coffee maker? 

The short answer is yes, you can use an extension cord for a coffee maker. 

As fall settles in and temperatures start to drop, many of us begin to think about all the things we need to do to prepare for winter. 

One thing on many people’s minds is whether or not they can use an extension cord for their coffee maker. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that you do it safely.

Before Buying, Read This First.

There are many benefits to using an extension cord for a coffee maker. One advantage is that it allows you to move the coffee maker around easily. 

Another advantage is that it gives you extra length so you can reach outlets that are further away. 

Additionally, extension cords are often cheaper than purchasing a longer power cord for your coffee maker.

Overall, using an extension cord for a coffee maker is a great way to save money and make your coffee maker more versatile. Be sure to choose the right extension cord for your coffee maker to ensure safe and efficient operation.

Extra Note: Best Extension Cord for Construction (7 Deadly Facts)

Why coffee makers shouldn’t be left plugged in.

If you’re like most coffee lovers, you probably leave your coffee maker plugged in and ready to go at all times. But is this really safe?

It’s important to note that coffee makers can pose a fire risk if they’re not used properly. 

However, as long as you’re using your coffee maker in a safe manner, there’s no need to unplug it after each use. 

Just be sure to unplug it when you’re not using it and make sure it’s in a safe place where it won’t be knocked over.

So, is it safe to leave your coffee maker plugged in? Yes, as long as you’re using it safely. But be sure to unplug it when you’re not using it to reduce the risk of fire.

Best Extension Cord for Coffee Maker

1. Firmrest Flag Plug Extension Cord

Firmrest Flag Plug Extension Cord

Firmrest Flag Plug Extension Cord is designed for use in tight spaces, such as behind furniture, bookshelves, desks, or anywhere else where a standard cord would not be able to reach.

The 2-foot extension cord is the perfect way to prevent clutter and outlet blockage by AC adapters. By extending the AC outlet, you can keep your work area tidy and organized.

The plug is virtually flush with the surface and the cord is hidden underneath the spice rack.

This allows anyone to run various kitchen appliances like a rice cooker, toaster oven, and bread maker in front of the spice rack without any issues.

This extension cord is made with quality in mind. Its 15 Amp capabilities and 14 AWG thickness make it a safe and reliable choice for your electrical needs.

What Makes It Different: For tight spaces

2. Prime Coffee Maker Cord

Prime Coffee Maker Cord

Prime Coffee Maker Cord has a fit that is a little tighter than the original, but it worked great overall. It was also longer than the actual GE cord and 1/3 the price of the brand name version.

Many customers shared how they use this extension cord for their coffee maker and rice cooker. 

However, many customers shared how the product doesn’t last long enough. 

For one buyer, he shared how the coffee maker cord only lasted for five months. The contacts in the plug have corroded to the point where they can no longer conduct properly.

What Makes It Different: Specifically made for coffee makers

3. Coffee Pot Replacement Cord

Coffee Pot Replacement Cord

Coffee Pot Replacement Cord features a  black 3 prong cord for small appliances, is more appropriate for indoor use, and provides a more polished look when used at home or in the office.

The percolator power cord is designed to be soft and easy to fold, so you can keep it close to the edges of your furniture.

It is compatible with Farberware coffee pot replacement parts, making it an ideal choice as a replacement for an old or missing power cord, or simply as a handy backup. 

Widely used for household appliances such as microwaves, desktop computers, TVs, laptops, vacuum cleaners, and percolators, this product is a versatile and reliable choice.

What Makes It Different: Farberware Percolator Cord

Bottom Line: 

If you’d ask on who we would personally buy from, it would have to be Firmrest’s Flat Plug Extension (the 1st option)

While using an extension cord for a coffee maker is not ideal, it can be done if necessary. It is important to make sure that the cord is rated for the wattage of the coffee maker and to never use a damaged or frayed cord.

Extension cords are a temporary solution and should not be used for long-term power needs. For more information on electrical safety, read our other articles.

FAQs Extension Cord for Coffee Maker: 

1. Can I use an extension cord with a Keurig?

No, you cannot use an extension cord with a Keurig.

The Keurig needs to be plugged directly into an outlet in order to work properly. If you use an extension cord, the Keurig may not heat up properly, and the coffee may not taste as good.

2. Is it safe to leave the coffee maker plugged in?

Many people wonder if it is safe to leave their coffee maker plugged in when they are not using it.

The short answer is yes, it is perfectly safe to leave your coffee maker plugged in. Coffee makers are designed to be left on, and they will not overheat or start a fire.

Of course, if you are not using your coffee maker, it is a good idea to unplug it to save energy. But if you forget to unplug it, don’t worry – your coffee maker will be just fine.

3. How much power does a Keurig use?

The Keurig coffee maker is a popular kitchen appliance, but many people are unaware of how much power it actually uses.

Keurig coffee makers use around 1200 watts of power, which is about twice as much as a standard toaster. 

However, they use less power than a typical electric kettle, which uses around 1500 watts.

So how does the power usage of a Keurig compare to other common kitchen appliances? Well, it’s actually quite efficient. A typical fridge uses around 1500 watts of power, and a standard oven uses around 3500 watts. So, when it comes to power usage, a Keurig coffee maker is actually quite efficient.

4. What are the risks of using an extension cord for a coffee maker?

Extension cords are not typically designed for continuous use, and they can overheat if they are used for extended periods of time.

Additionally, extension cords can create a tripping hazard if they are not properly secured. For these reasons, it is important to use extension cords sparingly and to follow all safety precautions when using them.

5. Does a coffee maker use a lot of electricity?

The average coffee maker uses around 1000 watts of power, which equates to around 120 volts. Over the course of a year, this can add up to a considerable amount of money spent on electricity. 


However, there are a number of ways to reduce the amount of electricity your coffee maker uses. For example, you can choose a more energy-efficient model, only brew coffee when you need it, and unplug your coffee maker when it’s not in use. By taking these simple steps, you can help reduce your electricity bill and save money.

6. How many watts does a 12 cup coffee maker use?

A standard 12 cup coffee maker typically uses between 600 and 1200 watts of power. Some more energy-efficient models may use as little as 500 watts, while some higher-end models can use up to 1500 watts. 

As a general rule of thumb, the more watts a coffee maker uses, the faster it will be able to brew a pot of coffee.

7. Can extension cords be a fire hazard? 

Coffee makers are a staple in most homes and offices, but did you know that using an extension cord for your coffee maker can be a fire hazard? 

According to the National Fire Protection Association, extension cords are one of the leading causes of home structure fires. Coffee makers are usually powered by a 110-volt outlet, but extension cords are only designed to handle a maximum of 100 watts. 


This means that if your coffee maker is drawing more than 10 amps of power, it could cause the cord to overheat and start a fire.

8. How often do coffee makers catch fire?

Coffee makers are one of the most common household appliances, and they have been known to catch fire on occasion. While the exact frequency of coffee maker fires is difficult to determine, they are certainly not a rare occurrence.

 In fact, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that there are about 2,000 coffee maker fires each year in the United States alone.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a coffee maker catching fire, such as electrical faults, poor maintenance, and incorrect use. 

If you use a coffee maker, it’s important to be aware of the potential fire hazard and take steps to prevent it. For example, you should regularly inspect your coffee maker for any signs of wear and tear, and make sure to unplug it when it’s not in use. 

9. What is the most energy efficient way to make coffee?

There are many ways to make coffee, but not all of them are energy efficient. If you want to save energy and make your coffee in the most efficient way possible, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure you are only boiling the amount of water you need. If you have a coffee maker that uses a lot of water, consider investing in a more energy-efficient model.

Next, use a dark roast coffee. Dark roast coffee requires less energy to brew than light roast coffee.

Finally, don’t let your coffee maker heat the water to boiling. Boiling water uses more energy than water that is just heated to the optimal temperature for brewing coffee.

By following these tips, you can make your coffee in the most energy-efficient way possible.

10. Can you burn coffee grounds with boiling water?

It is a common misconception that you can burn coffee grounds with boiling water. However, this is not the case.

Coffee grounds will only burn if they are exposed to direct heat, such as from a stovetop burner. If you try to burn coffee grounds by pouring boiling water over them, the water will simply cool the grounds and prevent them from burning.

11. Can coffee pots explode?

Coffee pots are generally safe to use, but there is always the potential for them to explode. This is usually due to a build-up of pressure inside the pot, which can cause the glass or metal to shatter. 

While it is unlikely that your coffee pot will explode, it is important to be aware of this potential hazard and take precautions to avoid it.

Here are some tips to keep your coffee pot from exploding:

  • Don’t overfill the pot. Leave enough room for the coffee to expand as it heats up.
  • Don’t put the pot on the stove unless it is meant for that. Some coffee pots are not designed to be used on a stovetop.
  • Don’t use a stovetop coffee pot on an induction cooktop. The pressure from the stove could cause the pot to shatter

12.Why do coffee makers use so many watts?

So why do coffee makers use so much energy? Well, it turns out that it takes a lot of power to heat up the water to brewing temperatures.

Additionally, most coffee makers have keep-warm features that keep the coffee at a consistent temperature, and this also uses a fair amount of energy.

If you’re looking to save energy, there are a few things you can do. First, you can unplug your coffee maker when you’re not using it. Additionally, you can look for a more energy-efficient model when it’s time to upgrade your coffee maker.

13. How many watts does a single serve coffee maker use?

A single serve coffee maker typically uses between 200 and 400 watts of power.

The specific wattage will depend on the model and manufacturer. To save energy, look for a model that has an automatic shut-off feature. This will ensure that the coffee maker doesn’t use any unnecessary power when it’s not in use.