Best Extension Cord for DynaTrap (17 Alarming Facts)

DynaTrap is a versatile and easy-to-use insect trap that can be used indoors or outdoors. It can be powered by an extension cord, making it even more convenient to use. 

In this blog post will explore the benefits of using an extension cord with DynaTrap.

Can you use an extension cord with DynaTrap?

Yes, you can use an extension cord with DynaTrap, but we recommend using a cord that is no longer than 50 feet. This will help to prevent any potential damage to the unit or cord.

Before Buying: 3 Things to Consider

Extension cords are a great way to extend the reach of your DynaTrap, but there are a few things to keep in mind when using them.

  1. First, make sure that the extension cord is rated for outdoor use. 
  2. Second, be sure to plug the extension cord into a grounded outlet. 
  3. Third, use a heavy-duty extension cord for longer runs.
  4. Finally, check the cord periodically to make sure it is in good condition.

Related Article: Best Extension Cord for Dehumidifier (15 Painstaking Facts)

How can I make my DynaTrap more effective?

If you’re using a DynaTrap to control mosquitoes, there are a few things you can do to make it more effective. 

First, make sure the unit is set up properly. The mosquito trap should be placed at least six feet off the ground and away from any potential sources of food or water. 

Second, keep the unit clean. Regularly empty the trap and clean the area around it to make sure mosquitoes don’t have any other place to breed. 

Finally, be patient. It can take a few weeks for the DynaTrap to make a significant impact on the mosquito

Best Extension Cord for DynaTrap

1. Woods All-Weather Extension Cord

Woods All-Weather Extension Cord

Woods All-Weather Extension Cord comes with a heavy-duty waterproof jacket, It helps protect against dampness, chemicals, abrasion, dust, dirt, and lengthy sun exposure. It’s ideal for hard use outdoors thanks to its durable vinyl covering.

Many customers love how affordable the price is compared to other hardware shops and other websites. 

The product isn’t too stiff, meaning your wires can be bent slightly to be placed in the corners of your room. At the same time, it’s not too flexible to the point of giving off a poor quality, they are durable and easier to handle. 

This can help power up your DynaTrap both indoors and outdoors. You can now comfortably start driving mosquitoes away from your area. 

What Makes It Different: Most Affordable & Durable


2. Twin Extension Cord

Twin Extension Cord

Twin Extension Cord is ideal for use in the living room, bedroom, or any other room where additional outlets are needed. The cord has a flat head that plugs into any outlet and does not protrude, making it safe and convenient to use. 

Each end of the cord is six feet long, with three polarized outlets and a safety lid for the outlets, for a total length of 12 feet.

However, some customers encountered problems with the wire-fitting. 

A few people shared that it might not be effective to use this extension cord for floor outlets with caps. 

With the way the plug prongs are located, it would not match the correct direction of the plug. This makes the connection lose. But besides that, no buyers shared any grievous complaints about the product. 

They are great if you plan to place your DynaTrap Indoor. Many customers shared how they love the flat profile of the cord, that it can fit most tight bedroom spaces. 

What Makes It Different: Indoor Use


3. Biogents Extension Cable

Biogents Extension Cable

Biogents Extension Cable is designed specifically for use with the BG-Mosquitaire. The 2-pin male-to-female connectors create a weather-proof connection, allowing you to safely capture mosquitoes before they have a chance to reach and annoy you.

Ensure that the extension cord is tightly connected to the source, and lay the cables in a way that will not create a trip hazard.

Avoid placing the cables in a path that a lawnmower may take.

The Biogents mosquito trap extension cable is 10 meters (33 feet) in length and can be used with the Biogents power supply unit for the BG-Mosquitaire and BG-Mosquitaire CO2 trap (12 V), or connected to additional Biogents extension cables.

However, one unique problem we encountered is that they have 0 negative customer reviews. 

As it turns out, they are a newly launched product as of this time of writing. We were unable to identify yet what are the possible problems of this extension cord nor the possible benefits. 

This DC power cable has been designed to withstand both extreme temperatures and heavy rain. The provided gasket ensures a water-proof closure, making it safe to leave outdoors for extended periods of time.

What Makes It Different: Not a Trip Hazard

Bottom Line: 

If you’d ask who we would personally buy from, it would have to be from Wood’s All-Weather Extension Cord (the 1st option)

Do you leave DynaTrap on all the time?

Yes, DynaTrap should be left on all the time in order to effectively trap and kill mosquitoes and other flying insects.

DynaTrap uses ultraviolet (UV) light to attract insects, which are then trapped and killed by the device.

Where should DynaTrap be placed in yard?

DynaTrap should be placed approximately 3-5 feet off the ground in a location where it will not be obstructed by debris or foliage.

It should also be placed away from areas where people and pets congregate, as they may be disturbed by the sound of the trap.

Can I use my DynaTrap inside?

Yes, you can use your DynaTrap inside your home or office. However, we do not recommend using it in an enclosed space, such as a garage, as this can concentrate the trapping process and reduce its effectiveness.

If you must use your DynaTrap in an enclosed space, we recommend opening a window or door to allow for proper ventilation.

Here’s a YouTube video showing how Dynatrap works

Is DynaTrap worth the money?

DynaTrap is a mosquito trap that uses UV light and CO2 to attract and capture mosquitoes. It is one of the many mosquito traps on the market, but it is one of the more expensive options, costing around $130. So is DynaTrap worth the money?

To answer this question, we need to look at how DynaTrap works and how effective it is at trapping mosquitoes. 

DynaTrap uses UV light to attract mosquitoes and then uses CO2 to lure them into the trap. Once the mosquitoes are in the trap, they are sucked into a net where they eventually die.

So how effective is DynaTrap? In our tests, we found that it was able to trap around 80% of the mosquitoes that were attracted to it. 

Does DynaTrap really work for mosquitoes?

DynaTrap is a mosquito trap that uses a combination of CO2, heat, and light to attract mosquitoes. The mosquitoes are then sucked into the trap, where they dehydrate and die. So, does DynaTrap really work?

The short answer is yes. DynaTrap is an effective way to reduce the mosquito population in your yard or patio. In fact, it is one of the most popular mosquito traps on the market.

DynaTrap has been tested in a variety of settings and has been proven to be an effective mosquito trap. If you are looking for a way to reduce the mosquito population in your yard or patio, DynaTrap is a great option.

Are mosquitoes attracted to DynaTrap?

There is anecdotal evidence that mosquitoes are attracted to the DynaTrap. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The DynaTrap uses a variety of attractants to lure mosquitoes and other flying insects into the trap, but it is not known if mosquitoes are more attracted to the DynaTrap than other traps.

How long does a DynaTrap last?

A DynaTrap will last for up to 6 months before it need to be replaced.

Ideally, it is designed to last for years with proper care and maintenance.

However, the length of time a DynaTrap will last will depend on a few factors, such as how often it is used and how well it is taken care of. With proper care and storage, a DynaTrap can last for many years without needing to be replaced.

Does DynaTrap work on noseeum bugs?

Yes, the DynaTrap DT1050 can help to reduce the population of no see ums in your home.

No see ums are attracted to the CO2 that we exhale, and the DynaTrap DT1050 uses a UV light to attract and trap no see ums.

The DynaTrap DT1050 is not 100% effective at trapping all no see ums, but it can reduce the population in your home and make them less of a nuisance.

Does DynaTrap work for black flies?

The short answer is yes, DynaTrap does work for black flies. In fact, it can be quite effective at trapping and killing these pesky insects. 

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using DynaTrap for black flies. 

  • First, black flies are attracted to light, so it’s important to place your DynaTrap in an area that is well-lit.
  • Second, black flies are also attracted to CO2, so it’s important to make sure your DynaTrap is near a source of CO2 (such as a person or an animal).
  • Finally, keep in mind that DynaTrap is not 100% effective, so be sure to position it well away from your area.

Does DynaTrap work on spiders?

The DynaTrap is an insect and spider trap that uses a combination of light and carbon dioxide to lure insects into the trap, where they then perish.

While the device is most effective on mosquitoes, it can also work on other types of insects, including spiders.

If you’re having a spider problem and are considering buying a DynaTrap, it’s important to know that the device may not be 100% effective on spiders. However, it can still be a helpful tool in your battle against these pesky pests.

Is DynaTrap bad for bees?

There is growing evidence that DynaTrap, a popular brand of insect trap, may be harming bees. DynaTrap uses ultraviolet light to attract and kill insects, but it is now believed that this light may also be attracting and killing bees. 

This is a major concern, as bees are vital to our ecosystem and play a crucial role in pollination.

DynaTrap has not yet released a statement on this matter, but the company is facing growing pressure to take action. In the meantime, beekeepers and other concerned citizens are urged to avoid using DynaTrap products.

Does DynaTrap work on wasps?

DynaTrap is designed to trap and kill mosquitoes and other flying insects.

However, it is not specifically designed to trap and kill wasps.

That being said, DynaTrap can still be effective at trapping and killing wasps in some cases. If you have a wasp problem and you’re looking for a solution, DynaTrap may be worth a try.

Does DynaTrap work on gnats?

DynaTrap is designed to trap and kill a wide variety of flying insects, including gnats. The device uses a combination of light, heat, and CO2 to attract insects, and once they enter the trap, they are unable to escape.

DynaTrap is an effective way to reduce the number of gnats in your home or outdoor area.

Does DynaTrap work on stink bugs?

Yes, DynaTrap does work on stink bugs.

DynaTrap is an insect trap that uses a combination of ultraviolet light and carbon dioxide to lure insects. Once the insects are lured into the trap, they are trapped and cannot escape.

DynaTrap is most effective against flying insects, but it can also work against crawling insects like stink bugs. If you have a problem with stink bugs, we recommend placing the DynaTrap near areas where they are most active, such as windows and doors.

How often do you need to replace DynaTrap bulb?

DynaTrap bulbs typically last for about 3,000 hours. However, it is important to note that the lifespan of the bulb will vary depending on how often it is used.

If you use your DynaTrap regularly, you may need to replace the bulb more frequently than if you only use it occasionally.

It is also important to remember that DynaTrap bulbs are not designed to be used continuously. If you are away from home for an extended period of time, we recommend turning off your DynaTrap to conserve the bulb.

How often should I clean my DynaTrap?

Your DynaTrap should be cleaned at least once a month to ensure that it is working properly. However, if you live in an area with high insect activity, you may need to clean it more frequently.

To clean your DynaTrap, simply remove the trapping grate and empty the contents into the trash. Then, wipe down the inside of the unit with a damp cloth. Be sure to dry the unit completely before replacing the trapping grate and turning the unit back on.

Can I leave my bug zapper on in the rain?

Most bug zappers are designed to be used outdoors, but you may be wondering if it’s okay to leave your bug zapper on in the rain. After all, you don’t want your zapper to get wet and stop working.

The good news is that you can definitely leave your bug zapper on in the rain. In fact, many bug zappers are specifically designed to be used in wet conditions.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure your zapper stays in good condition.

First, make sure your zapper is plugged into a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet. This will protect your zapper from any damage that may occur if it gets wet.

Second, if your zapper has a light bulb, you should replace the bulb after it gets wet. This is because the moisture can cause the bulb to break. Finally, make sure to dry off your zapper after it rains. 

You can either let it air dry or wipe it down with a clean, dry cloth. By following these simple tips, you can make sure your bug zapper continues to work properly even in wet.