Best Extension Cord for Indoors (13 Heavenly Facts)

The popularity of extension cords has made them a necessary evil. We all have appliances and equipment that need to be plugged in, but there aren’t enough outlets available. And sometimes the best way to supply electricity where you need it is with an extension cord.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of using an extension cord indoors and how to do so safely.

Can you use an Extension Cord for the Indoor? 

Yes, you can use an extension cord for indoor purposes. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before using one. 

Extension cords are not meant to be used as a permanent solution. They are only meant to be used on a temporary basis. Additionally, extension cords can pose a fire hazard if not used properly. 

Here are a few tips on how to use an extension cord safely indoors:

  • Use the proper gauge extension cord. The rule of thumb is that the thicker the cord, the lower the gauge. A lower gauge extension cord can handle more wattage than a higher gauge cord.
  • Do not use an extension cord that is frayed or damaged in any way.
  • Do not overload the extension cord. This can cause it to overheat and potentially start a fire.
  • If you must use an extension cord, make sure it is not running across doorways or high-traffic areas where it could pose a tripping hazard.
  • Always unplug the extension cord when you are finished using it.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your indoor extension cord usage is safe.

Is it safe: To use extension cord for indoors?

Extension cords are commonly used indoors for a variety of purposes. They are a safe and convenient way to bring power to where it is needed without having to install new outlets or wiring. 

However, there are some safety considerations to keep in mind when using extension cords indoors.

  1. First, always make sure that the extension cord is rated for indoor use. Cords that are made for outdoor use have different insulation and are not safe for indoor use. 
  2. Second, always inspect the cord before use. Look for any damage to the insulation or wires. If you see any damage, do not use the cord.
  3. Third, always use the correct size cord for the job. Using a cord that is too small can cause it to overheat and start a fire.
  4. Finally, make sure that the cord is not running under carpets or furniture where there is a risk of starting potential fires. 

Related Article: Best Extension Cord for Floor Outlet (11 Absurd Facts)

Is it worth it: To use extension cord for indoors?

Are you considering using an extension cord for your indoor appliances but not sure if it is worth it? The main reason people use extension cords is that they want to avoid overloading a circuit. 

If you are careful about not overloading the circuit and you don’t mind the visual of the cords, then it is worth it to use them. There are a few things you should keep in mind when using extension cords indoors:

  • Only use extension cords that are rated for indoor use.
  • Do not use more than one extension cord per outlet.
  • Keep extension cords away from heat sources.
  • Inspect extension cords regularly for damage.

If you follow these guidelines, using an extension cord for your indoor appliances can be a helpful and convenient way to avoid overloading circuits.

How do I choose an indoor extension cord?

When shopping for an indoor extension cord, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. 

First, consider the length of the cord you need. Indoor extension cords are available in a range of lengths, from 6 feet all the way up to 100 feet. 

Second, think about the gauge of the cord. A lower gauge number indicates a thicker cord, which is better for handling high loads. 

Third, choose a cord that is rated for indoor use. Indoor extension cords are made with different types of insulation that can stand up to the higher temperatures found inside your home.

Once you’ve considered these things, you’ll be able to narrow down your choices and find the perfect indoor extension cord for your needs.

Best Extension Cord for Indoor

1. GE Indoor Extension Cord

GE Indoor Extension Cord

GE Indoor Extension Cord has an extra-long power cord on this Enermax PX1272 has enough length to accommodate your desk light, portable fan, laptop charger, phone charger, vacuum cleaner, alarm clock, and other home appliances that require a little more reach.

To accommodate more electronics, convert one outlet into three grounded, three-prong outlets to plug in more gadgets at a single location.

This power strip’s low-profile flat plug at the end of the device lets you place furniture and media close to the wall. The angled plug allows this surge protector to be inserted into a socket without blocking adjacent outlets.

What Makes It Different: Made by a 100+ Year-Old Company

2. Woods Office Extension Cord

Woods Extension Cord

Woods Office Extension Cord is a 25 ft. extension cord made heavy-duty and safe for a wide range of indoor activities, including tools, gadgets, lights, and lamps.

This black extension cord disappears into the background and does not detract from the interior décor.

The strain relief neck of the indoor extension cord prevents pull and strain, extending cord life. This extension cable will connect the wall outlets and any other indoor appliances to ensure that they are fully functional.

What Makes It Different: Office Use

3. LifeSupplyUSA Extension Cord

LifeSupplyUSA Extension Cord

LifeSupplyUSA Extension Cord is a user-friendly solution for the professional gamer who demands control and precision. The cord features an outer nylon layer that makes it highly resistant, durable, and perfectly flexible. 

Oil, grease, dampness, and abrasion are all protected by the tough vinyl covering. This cable is suitable for both indoor and outdoor usage because of its heavy

However, many customers shared that they are not made for outdoor use. 

One person shared that the wire melted after only one year of use. It resulted in discolored and cracked ends. 

What Makes It Different: USA Product.

Bottom Line: 

If you’d ask us who we would personally buy from, it would have to be GE Indoor Extension Cord (the 1st option)

In conclusion, it is important to use an extension cord indoors for a variety of reasons. It can help to prevent fires, it can lengthen the life of your electrical appliances, and it can give you more flexibility in where you place them. For more information on extension cords and electrical safety, be sure to read more of our blog.

Are extension cords safe indoors?

Extension cords are a common household item, but are they safe to use indoors? The answer is yes and no. 

Extension cords are safe to use indoors if they are used correctly and not overloaded. However, if extension cords are not used correctly, they can be a fire hazard.

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when using extension cords indoors:

  1. Always use extension cords that are rated for indoor use
  2. Never overload an extension cord
  3. Make sure extension cords are not running across doorways or under carpets
  4. Keep extension cords away from heat sources

By following these Safety Tips, you can use extension cords indoors without worry.

What gauge is an indoor extension cord?

An extension cord is a length of flexible electrical cable with a male plug at one end and a female socket at the other. 

They are commonly used to connect electrical appliances to a power outlet or to extend the reach of an existing power outlet.

The gauge of an extension cord refers to the thickness of the wire inside the cord. The thicker the wire, the higher the gauge. In general, indoor extension cords should have a gauge of 16 or higher.

Why should you not use an indoor extension cord outside?

While indoor extension cords are common and easy to find, they are not made for outdoor use. There are a few reasons why you should not use an indoor extension cord outside.

First, indoor extension cords are not weatherproof. They are not designed to withstand the elements, so using them outside can shorten their lifespan.

Second, indoor extension cords are not made for heavy-duty use. They are not made to handle the heavier loads that outdoor devices require.

Third, indoor extension cords can be a trip hazard. They are not made to be used on uneven surfaces, so using them outside can create a safety hazard.

For these reasons, it is best to use an outdoor extension cord for any outdoor use. Outdoor extension cords are designed to withstand the elements and handle heavy-duty loads, so they will last longer and be worth the money.

Is it safe to use a power strip with a space heater?

As winter approaches and temperatures start to drop, many people will dust off their space heaters and start using them to stay warm. But is it safe to use a power strip with a space heater?

The answer is yes, as long as you take a few precautions. 

First, make sure that the power strip you’re using is rated for the wattage of your space heater. 

Second, don’t plug anything else into the power strip – just the space heater. And finally, don’t use a power strip with a space heater if it’s damaged in any way or if the cord is frayed.

By following these simple guidelines, you can use a power strip with a space heater without any safety concerns.

Is it OK to plug an extension cord into another?

Extension cords are a great way to get power to where you need it, but they can also be dangerous if not used properly. 

One of the most common questions we get is whether or not it’s OK to plug an extension cord into another.

The short answer is no. You should not plug an extension cord into another. 

This can create a potential fire hazard as well as overload the circuit. If you need to extend the reach of your extension cord, use a power strip with built-in circuit protection. This will provide a safe way to get the power you need without creating a potential hazard.

Can I run two refrigerators on the same outlet?

It is not recommended to run two refrigerators in the same outlet. 

This can put a strain on the electrical circuit and may cause the circuit breaker to trip. If you must run two refrigerators on the same circuit, it is recommended that you use a heavy-duty circuit with a higher amperage rating.

Should a microwave be on its own circuit?

As a general rule of thumb, it is always best to have a dedicated circuit for any major appliance in your home. 

This is especially true for a microwave, which can draw a significant amount of power when in use. Having a dedicated circuit for your microwave will help to prevent any potential problems with your electrical system.

So if you’re wondering whether you should put your microwave on its own circuit, the answer is probably yes. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and a dedicated circuit will help to ensure that your microwave is always able to function properly.

Can a refrigerator and dishwasher be on the same circuit?

Yes, a refrigerator and dishwasher can be on the same circuit.

However, it is important to note that this is not the ideal situation, as it can put a strain on the circuit and potentially cause problems. If possible, it is best to have the refrigerator and dishwasher on separate circuits.

Does a dishwasher need to be on its own circuit?

While dishwashers have come a long way in terms of efficiency, they still require a significant amount of power to run. 

This means that they need to be on their own circuit in order to prevent overloading your home’s electrical system.

While it may seem like an inconvenience to have to run a new circuit for your dishwasher, it’s actually a very simple process. Most homes are already wired for dishwashers, so all you need to do is connect the dishwasher to the existing circuit. 

However, if your home is not already wired for dishwashers, you will need to have an electrician run a new circuit.

So, to answer the question, yes, a dishwasher does need to be on its own circuit. This is to prevent overloading your home’s electrical system and to protect your dishwasher from damage.

Can a dishwasher and garbage disposal be plugged into the same outlet?

Yes, a dishwasher and garbage disposal can be plugged into the same outlet. 

However, it is important to note that this should only be done if the outlet is properly grounded. Otherwise, there is a risk of electrical shock. If you are not sure if your outlet is properly grounded, you should consult a qualified electrician.

Does a refrigerator require a separate circuit?

Most refrigerators require a 15-amp circuit, which is the same circuit that is used for outlets in most homes. 

If your refrigerator is on a dedicated circuit, you may need to upgrade the circuit to a 20-amp circuit to accommodate the additional load. You should consult an electrician to determine if your circuit can handle the additional load.

Does garbage disposal need its own circuit?

Adding garbage disposal to your kitchen sink is a convenient way to reduce food waste. But before you install one, you need to make sure your electrical system can handle the additional load.

Most garbage disposals require their own dedicated circuit. This is because they can draw a lot of power, and you don’t want them to trip your breaker. If you’re not sure if your electrical system can handle garbage disposal, you should consult an electrician.

In most cases, you’ll need to have a dedicated circuit installed before you can install a garbage disposal. This is the best way to ensure your electrical system can handle the additional load.

Can a refrigerator be plugged into a regular outlet?

A refrigerator must be plugged into an outlet that can provide enough power to run the fridge. A standard outlet in the United States can provide up to 15 amps of power, but a fridge typically requires at least 20 amps of power to run properly. 

So, if you want to plug your fridge into a regular outlet, you’ll need to use an adapter or have an electrician install a dedicated circuit for your fridge.

Can a microwave be plugged into any outlet?

Microwaves require a dedicated circuit, which means that they can’t be plugged into just any outlet. 

Outlets in your kitchen are typically 20-amp circuits that can handle small appliances like toasters and coffee makers. However, microwaves require their own dedicated circuit with a 15- or 20-amp fuse. This dedicated circuit can be found in your home’s electrical panel.

If you try to plug your microwave into a regular outlet, it will overload the circuit and cause a power outage. So be sure to always plug your microwave into a dedicated circuit. Otherwise, you could be in for a nasty surprise the next time you try to heat up your food.

Can I plug a dishwasher into a regular outlet?

No, you cannot plug a dishwasher into a regular outlet. Dishwashers require a 240-volt circuit in order to operate, and most homes only have 120-volt outlets. You can, however, have a 240-volt outlet installed by a qualified electrician.